Checking your credit report is the best way to keep abreast of the information being reported to the credit bureaus. The information contained on your credit report can have a huge impact on various aspects of your life, from qualifying for credit or landing a new job. When a tax lien in placed on your property, this information ... Read More
How the New Healthcare Bill Expands IRS Authority
With the new Healthcare Bill, Congress expanded the responsibilities of the Internal Revenue Service and essentially changed the relationship between taxpayers and the IRS. With the new health care legislation, the IRS is the chief enforcer for the new government-operated health insurance system. The IRS will have the authority ... Read More
When Hiring a Tax Expert is Your Best Option
There is nothing more intimidating than dealing with the Internal Revenue Service regarding taxes owed. While not all situations require the need for a tax expert, there are some scenarios where you would be well served to consult the advice of a person who is well versed in tax collection. Here, we look at some of those ... Read More
How to File for a 2009 Tax Filing Extension
If you are unable to file your taxes before April 15th, you can request a 2009 Tax Filing Extension. It's important to understand that filing an extension for time to file your taxes is not the same as filing for an extension of time to pay taxes due. If you owe taxes, they are still due by April 15th even if you haven't filed ... Read More
File Late Tax Returns to Take Control of Your Back Taxes
The easiest way to get out of trouble with the IRS over back taxes is to file your tax returns. If you've missed a year or more for filing tax returns, you may be wondering what sort of options are available to you. You can protect yourself with the following steps: Look For and Gather Tax Paperwork Get a copy of the tax ... Read More
Are You Owed a Tax Refund from an Unfiled 2006 Return?
The IRS has announced that there are more than $1.3 billion in unclaimed tax refunds waiting nearly 1.4 million people who didn't file their federal income tax return in 2006. If you did not file a tax return in 2006 (maybe because you were below required income limits) it may be in your best interest to file a 2006 return. If ... Read More
How a Tax Lien Will Affect You
If you're unable to pay taxes owed to the IRS before they're due, and you've made no attempts at setting up an installment payment plan or other means of payment – the IRS has the power to attach a tax lien to property you own. This typically only happens after the IRS has sent you a number of notices over many months to try and ... Read More
Spotting Tax Settlement Scams
If you find yourself in the unenviable position of owing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) taxes and are looking for help in paying or reducing the taxes owed, use caution before enlisting the help of a company that offers tax relief services. The IRS is sometimes willing to negotiate taxes owed through their Offer In ... Read More