How Our Process for Helping Taxpayers Works
Tax resolution and tax relief services can be extremely beneficial to taxpayers who have serious tax problems. Our partnered tax team services many different IRS and state tax problems, and offers a free, no strings attached consultation and tax analysis to begin the resolution process.
1 Free Consultation
The free consult with a tax resolution representative is available to any taxpayer (individual or business) who is experiencing IRS or state tax problems. The consultation typically lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. During the consultation, you will provide our team with information about your tax and financial situation. Once your tax situation is better understood, you will be told more about the services available to you and given an overview of how the tax relief process works. You will also receive a cost estimate of the proposed service and be given the option – under no pressure – to utilize our professional services if you so choose.
2 Once You Decide to Move Forward With the Tax Relief Service
If you do decide to resolve your tax problem with the assistance of our partners, you will need to sign a power of attorney form, which will authorize a tax professional to pull a record of account from the IRS for all past years in order to see what your tax situation actually looks from the viewpoint of the IRS. Power of attorney also allows our partner team to represent you in all future IRS correspondence regarding your current tax problem so that you don’t have to. The same process will be pursued based upon the rules and regulations of your state if you are experiencing a state tax issue. Next, you will be assigned to a tax team. Each tax team is comprised of tax professionals who have a variety of backgrounds. The diverse team is able to strategize collectively to determine the most effective way to approach your situation and to ensure success with the IRS. After this is taken care of, the tax resolution process will begin.
3 Tax Resolution Process
The resolution process will begin by making sure that all of your tax filings are in compliance with the IRS and/or state if they are currently not. In order to settle or resolve tax problems, all tax returns must be filed and up-to-date. Once those filings have been completed, a tax team will seek out the best method to resolve your tax problems (payment plans, offer in compromise, innocent spouse relief, penalty abatement, audit assistance, etc.). A tax team will select the resolution method that they feel has the highest chance of being accepted by the IRS/and or state, while giving you peace of mind that you won’t be paying more than you can afford. The tax team will then make all of the required filings to obtain the settlement method that you’ve both agreed is best for you. The process will take some time and tax professionals will handle all of the dealings necessary to ensure that the filing is accepted.
4 Tax Relief
Once your filing has been accepted and a resolution method set up, you will be back in good standing – or at least back on the road to compliance – with the IRS or your state. Your tax status will remain in good standing as long as you remain current and in compliance with future IRS rules. Our partner team will also advise you on ways to ensure that you remain in good standing with the IRS and offer tips on how to avoid falling into the same pitfalls that you have fallen into in the past.
It is important to make the right decision when choosing the right tax resolution firm to help you handle your tax problems. We are confident that you will be pleased with the services presented to you by our expert partners. Take advantage of our free consultation and talk with a tax representative today to discover your options. Find out more about the tax services that we offer today.